Tag Archives: stages of wasps

Backyard fun!

In my little courtyard area outside my house, Marcela has a little garden and loves to hang little porcelain stuff like wind chimes and fish and multi-colored Mexican suns. Well behind one of the suns, a family of wasps built a large nest. Being the animal lover that I am, I killed them. I hope this does not gross you out too much, but here is a picture of the wasps from a large larva through mature adult. I’m sorry about the quality, but I took it with my cell phone.

Stages of wasps from left to right (youngest to fully mature).

Stages of wasps from left to right (youngest to fully mature).

The wasp second from the right had just come out of the nest and his wings had not even dried. Yes I did pull them out of the nest myself and they were all still moving. Even the grubby mushy larva was wiggling around. There were roughly 10 adults that flew out from behind the porcelain sun when I sprayed it, and the nest was approximately 4 1/2 inches wide.

The whole time I am messing around with these critters I am thinking a few things. #1 Will I ever grow up? #2 This would make great bait for bluegill. #3 This would be totally cool to put on my blog!

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Filed under family, fishing, photography