Monthly Archives: January 2009

Movie: August Rush

Last night, Marcela and I decided to watch a DVD while she prepared her lessons and graded her work. We wanted something a little less loud and hectic so we put The Hulk away and opted for August Rush instead. That was a great choice.

Without giving too much of the story away, let me give you some of the reasons I really loved this one.

1. It was almost completely family friendly. There was one fist fight portrayed and a little bit of violent behavior portrayed against children, a little boozing by a rock band, no foul language that I remember, no sexual content, and no drug content.

2. It portrayed a case manager played by Terence Howard as an extremely thoughtful individual. He reminded me very much of the people I worked with at CHARLEE and it reminded me of the work I did.

3. It’s a movie about music, REAL music, not some glamorized rock band music. There was a struggling rock band in the movie, but Keri Russel also plays the part of a concert cellist who studied at Juliard.

4. Freddie Highmore who stars as young Evan Taylor/August Rush really nailed the part of a musical child prodigy desperate to be with the parents he never knew.

The plot is pretty simple and beautiful. A teen cellist (Russel) becomes pregnant from an Irish rock artist played by Jonathan Rhys Meyers. The girl is tricked by her father into giving the boy up for adoption and told that the baby died. The baby lives in a group home/orphanage to the age of about 11, then runs away to find his parents despite the warnings of his case manager that his parents may be never found, may be dead, or may not be the best for him. But the boy is special! He hears music everywhere in everything he does. He learns an instrument (guitar, piano, and organ are shown, but it implies that he learns every instrument) in just minutes. He writes music as if he is writing words on a paper. He is taken in by a “street family” whose head, played by Robin Williams, seeks to exploit and control him. Then when he finally gets a break, he is recaptured by “The Wizard” (Williams). His mother learns that the boy is alive so she goes to the child protection agency and tries to locate the boy where she finds out he ran away. The rest of the story is so inspiring and beautiful to me, but I won’t spoil it any further.

If you like music, family, and movies with redeeming qualities and wholesome entertainment, I highly recommend this movie.

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Filed under movies, music

The Max Factor

Welcome to another episode of the Max Factor.  I only have a single pic from my phone to share with you today.  Our little buddy barks like a dog, wags his tail, and plays fetch like a dog, but I think he believes that he’s a cat.  He uses his paw like a cat to reach under the sofa.  He also bats his toys around like cats do, actually entertaining himself with a ball.  And for some evidence, on his own he climbs up on the back of the sofa and walks around or even lays down to sleep.  It’s actually pretty funny because he balances so good.

Max thinks he's a cat, walking on the back of the couch.

Max thinks he's a cat, walking on the back of the couch.


Filed under animals, Max, Pets

Monday Armchair QB

This was not the week of the upset as most people are saying.  The Panthers, Titans, and Giants were all favorites at home having come off their bye that they earned with their superior records in their conference.  The Steelers were the only team to escape the upset bug.  Why is that?  It’s because this was the week of the BIRD!  The Cardinals beat the Panthers and the Eagles beat the Giants in the NFC while the Titans went down to defeat at the beak of the Ravens.  The Steelers lucked out because they didn’t have to play any birds, they played the Chargers.  As for last week, every bird team won except the Falcons who ended up playing against another set of birds (Cardinals).  So what does this all mean?  I guess if it is the year of the bird, the Super Bowl representative from the AFC will be the Ravens.  In the NFC, it would be a toss up since Eagles and Cardinals are equally birdish.


Filed under animals, football, NFL

Life Pointe Talk Soup – Plantation Key

-Tonight I made the trek to Tavernier for the evening service at LPC Plantation Key.

-The atmosphere is a little different since there is no big set up/break down before and after service.

-The music was great! Mike led worship tonight with Julio on the rhythm, Bill on lead electric, Mike’s fiancé played drums and I played bass.

-The set was “For Who You Are”, “Beautiful One”, “Here I Am to Worship”, and for communion Mike led in a beautiful rendition of the old hymn “Jesus Paid It All”. I really loved it!

-Trav once again spoke on Finney in his message series entitled “Dead White Men”. He listed some of Finney’s impacts and innovations which still effect the modern church.

-Finney was not educated as a minister, but he followed God’s call.

-One last note. The family at LPC Plantation Key really seems to be coming together and forming a strong bond that is going to change the Florida Keys! It’s something that is going to be special to witness.

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Filed under life pointe, music, worship

Life Pointe Talk Soup

  • I am keeping it pretty brief today, since I will be heading out to Plantation Key in about an hour.
  • I got to the theater this morning at about 7 AM on the nose.  We needed to make a run down/quick rehearsal of the music set as a follow up to Thursday’s practice.
  • I played drums for the first time in a worship service in about 2 years, I think.  Jesse was out finishing up his Anthems project in Atlanta.  Bill Finch was on bass, Josiah was on electric and played rhythm, and Robert R played rhythm and lead on the Les Paul.
  • Music had a bit of a classic rock feel this morning.  It was right up my alley.
  • We sang “Friend of God”, “Open the Eyes of my Heart”, “Amazing Love”, and for communion Julie led “Here I am to Worship”.
  • We had a throwback to 1985 for meet and greet as Robert rocked the house Rod Stewart/Jeff Beck style to “People Get Ready“.  It was rockin.

For more information on service at LPC, be sure to check out our other bloggers…

Ritz, Pastor Trav, Kelly, and The Major (Chris) all have a Sunday Life Pointe wrap feature.


Filed under church, life pointe, music, worship

Saturday Top 5: Songs from 1969

Why 1969?  It was in this groovy year that the foundation for my existence was poured.  In honor of my parents’ 40th Wedding Anniversary, I give you Billboard’s Top 5 songs from 1969.

#5 Build Me Up Buttercup by the Foundations

#4 Honky Tonk Woman by the Rolling Stones

#3 I Can’t Get Next to You by the Temptations

#2 Sugar Sugar by the Archies

#1 Aquarius/Let the Sun Shine In by Fifth Dimension


Filed under family, music, top 5

Friday Bottom 3: TV Shows of the Last 10 Years

I will avoid day time TV and talk shows for this list since they would win hands down. These are the 3 worst TV shows of the last 10 years, at least according to what I have seen. Admittedly, this list is not fair since I don’t watch a lot of TV, and when I do it’s OLN (outdoor), Sunshine Net, ESPN, Fox News, and Tru TV.

Dishonorable Mention:
Dawson’s Creek – Marcela liked to watch this teen drama some time ago. Chick TV to the core.

Charmed – The only thing good I can say about this show is that the three chicks were… um, well, I better not say anything good at all about this show.

The Bottom 3

#3. Secret Life of the American
Teenager – I came home from work to find this ABC Family network TV show from the makers of 7th Heaven on my TV. Some of the qualities making it so bad are: horrible acting from Molly Ringwald (she cannot help it, she has always been bad) and the rest of the cast with the exception of the pregnant teen; political correctness gone wild throughout the story line and dialogue; the portrayal of a pregnant teen continually scheming to do what she wants while also portraying her as a good girl who just messed up.

#2. Gilmore Girls – Besides this show being an evening soap, I have a particular reason for not enjoying this show that ramps it up to the level of the Bottom 3. The characters on this show speak at 100 miles an hour back and forth and back and forth!

#1. Operation Repo – At first glance, this is a reality TV show similar to Dog Bounty Hunter. They even show it on Tru TV. The first time I saw it I noticed that they went from one scenario to another reposessing cars and fighting everyone in the most ridiculous situations to repo cars. It was silly. I looked up the show and found out that they are all dramatizations. Between the ridiculous situations and one of the world’s ugliest women going around fighting people, this show tops the list.


Filed under TV

Second Thoughts

-I am dealing with a little bit of a cold. Thank goodness for Zicam!

-I was dealing with my cold yesterday as I took the Plant Operation Selection Survey for the second time.

-This test was a timed aptitude test measuring reading comprehension, parts assembly, mechanical concepts, graphs and charts, and (long) mathematical usage.

-Last time I took it (Summer) I failed, I believe, because I was too slow in graphs and charts and I also got bogged down in algebra.

-This time I sped up by skipping any math question that required lengthy calculation, even if the question was easy.

-I also sped up on the graphs and charts by not worrying about perfectly bubbling in the questions. I answered almost 10 additional questions this time on graphs and charts.

-I got word last night late that I passed and I have an interview next Friday. I could not sleep after the news.

-There are about 25 positions available, 10 are taken by FPL employees, leaving 15 spots.

-So far, 20 external applicants have passed the test. The new hire class begins in May, so I should know in the next few months if I will get the job.

-Several people at the plant have been big help in getting ready for the test and encouraging me that I could pass. Mark Similey from LPC was one. Thanks Mark!


Filed under work


Well, this morning I took a test that would make me eligible to get a job making a great deal more than I currently do in a field with great future potential.  I will find out later today if I passed.  This is the second time I have taken the test, but this time I feel better about it than last time.  It wasn’t easy, but I believe I did well.  If I fail, I will not be shocked, but I won’t be surprised if I passed it either.  We shall see!


Filed under work

Wednesday Quotable

Let’s go out and get’r done!

The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do, well.
-Henry W. Longfellow

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